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What is the origin of Fake News? However, the origin of Fake News is not a new phenomenon, but dates to World War II when Joseph Goebbels, Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda in the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler's right-hand man, states that "we must make the people believe that hunger, thirst, shortages and diseases are the fault of our opponents and make our sympathizers repeat it at every moment" (Vivar, 2019). Fake News are news that contain falsified information, not contrasted, and supported in a part of reality, in order to achieve to deceive the interlocutor and interfere in his perception and in his ability to make decisions. The content of Fake News is very varied, however, all of them have a defined objective, which is to misinform by distorting reality, to achieve an "economic, political benefit or the creation of a certain state of opinion" (Amorós & Évole, 2018). The problem of Fake News arises due to the complexity of detecting them, their tendency towards virality and their rapid dissemination in social networks. Thus, misinformation becomes the new battlefront for companies, as Fake News can not only have harmful consequences for the brand by reducing customer confidence in the brand but can also lead to harmful economic effects due to a negative impact on sales of products and/or services. Asociación de la Prensa de Madrid. (2019). Obtenido de https://www.apmadrid.es/comunicado/informe-de-la-profesion-periodistica-2019-aumenta-un-26-el-paro-de-los-periodistas-tras-6-anos-de-descensos/ Comisión Europea. (2021). Obtenido de https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/tackling-online-disinformation Pardo , R. S., & Pardo, J. (2018). LA influencia del fenómeno "fake news" en la comunicación organizacional. La innovación de la innovación: del medio al contenido predictivo. Actas III Simposio Internacional sobre gestión de la comunicación. Obtenido de https://xescom2018.wordpress.com/libro-de-acta/ Rodríguez-Fernández, L. (2019). Desinformación y comunicación organizacional: estudio sobre el impacto de las Fake News . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social , 1714-1728. faux saint laurent bag