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Upon getting the document translated, you can then save them in Google Docs by creating a new page and saving it in whichever format is required for the performance of the job. could be either PDF or text. Through this process, greater accuracy was achieved and the translation was in full context rather than just sentences. Click here to check out Fiverr 11. Use Latium By going again under the option of "I want to work", you will see the language and translations link and the website will show you different job offers under this category. You set your rate of pay and if accepted, you perform the job and when completed satisfactorily, payment is made as to up work who then in turn will pay you minus their service fee. Also See: How to Sell Art Online, Selling Leads, Selling Knives & Selling Lego. If you are well versed in a language, you can incorporate Google's tool as a way of helping students to learn a specific language while giving them personal instruction as well. faux saint laurent bag